Financial Crime Fighters - a platform for AML consultations

An AI tool enabling swift AML information access and client-driven updates and adaptability.

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Financial Crime Fighters is a company specializing in Anti-Money Laundering (AML) within the cryptocurrency sector. Operating in a rapidly evolving regulatory landscape, they rely on public, as well as exclusive, non-public materials from industry experts and associations. Access to this intricate knowledge is critical for the brand’s operations.

The client required an AI-driven tool to swiftly access AML-related information and consultations while ensuring robust data security. The tool uses hundreds of knowledge-filled files that can be added and deleted without programmers’ involvement. Additionally, the tool had to be trainable by the client to adapt to constantly changing regulatory guidelines.

Key challenges

  • We had to quickly prepare a proof of concept to validate the viability of the project and then transform it into an MVP in just 3 months. The first phase took us only one week. We conducted detailed tests to confirm that the picked AI model was able to produce satisfactory results.
  • Robust data protection measures were crucial to safeguard the tool against unauthorized access. We designed a security system that met the client’s expectations, and we successfully implemented it within the solution.
  • The system had to be trainable and adaptable to dynamic changes in law regulations and AML guidelines. Thanks to picking the proper AI models, we made it easy to edit the tool's knowledge base. The product corresponded with the client’s rigid requirements in that area.
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Technologies and methodology

Google Cloud

Project outcome

This project equips Financial Crime Fighters to deliver prompt and efficient AML consultations, significantly enhancing their operational efficiency and competitive edge in the market. team completed the MVP version and released the tool for testing to the target customer group. The development stage showcased the potential to reshape this tool into a comprehensive SaaS product in the near future.

Globe Group Plus

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